Yard Waste

Yard Waste (i.e. grass, weeds, leaves, garden waste, small twigs, etc.) is collected on Mondays of each week by the Dayton Public Works Department. All yard waste must be placed in paper biodegradable bags only, and free of household trash, rocks, dirt or twigs larger than your finger.  All refuse must be placed out for collection by 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection, and no earlier than 4:00 p.m. on the day preceding collection day.

Yard waste placed in any other type of container will not be accepted.

  • Tree Limbs/Bush Trimmings – must be tied in bundles not exceeding five feet in length and of reasonable size to allow convenient handling, with no limbs greater than six inches in diameter. Disposal of large shrubs, tree stumps, trunks or limbs larger than six inches in diameter will be the responsibility of the property owner.
  • Fall Leaf Collection – the Town provides curbside leaf vacuum service during the month of November as time and weather permit (after this time, leaves must be bagged in paper biodegradable bags and will be picked up on Mondays). Leaves must be raked to the edge of the property line—do not put the leaves in the street or on top of graveled driveways. Ginkgo leaves or leaves with sticks, brush, rocks, gravels, nuts or other debris will not be vacuumed, as this may cause damage the vacuum equipment.
  • Christmas Trees – there is no scheduled time for Christmas tree collection—they will be picked up by Public Works as time and weather permit.
  • If yard waste collection day falls on a holiday observed by the Town, collection will be the following day.  Please watch our website and Facebook pages for any schedule changes.